Pass the Baton: Growing New Leaders
Whether you will need to find and train a new leader in a key role in the next year – or you are a new leader in the seat right now – how can you avoid dropping the baton in the handoff? This [...]
Leveraging Data for Equity in Collaborative Wraparound Teams
The use of data in education is often utilized in silos and decontextualized within our school community. In our Community of Practice, we aim to bring participants together to assess our [...]
Governing With Equity for Diverse by Design Schools
All of us in education are working to better understand how to make each school, and public education overall, more equitable. For boards, this work can be even harder. Charter school boards [...]
Dialogue as Disruption: Advancing Justice Through Conversation and Collective Action
Kindred Communities facilitates brave spaces to build the mindsets, skills, and energy needed to disrupt systemic oppression and create antiracist and liberated schools. Join this Community of [...]