M, 2023

15nov5:00 pm7:00 pmFrom Beliefs to Action: Designing Culturally Responsive Systems - Session 1, Part 2: Beyond Diversity: Achieving Racial Equity by Addressing Beliefs

Event Details

Join the Western Education Equity Assistance Center (WEEAC) for a webinar series that examines the root causes of systemic educational inequities and offers actionable, evidence-based practices for disrupting bias and achieving equitable outcomes for all students. From Beliefs to Action: Designing Culturally Responsive Systems equips educators and education leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to cultivate inclusivity, challenge biases, and overcome inequities in educational spaces.

From November 1 through April 25, WestEd experts Rawlin RosarioJackie PengKhamia PowellKrystal WuDavid LopezJohn JacobsNancy Tiên, and Alexandria Harvey will facilitate five dynamic and interactive sessions on topics including

  • developing equity literacy by identifying systemic beliefs, policies, procedures, and practices that contribute to educational inequities for historically marginalized students;
  • establishing culturally responsive practices, policies, and data use to promote inclusive education; and
  • cultivating family and community engagement and partnerships.
Intended audiences:
  • Educators (K–12)
  • School districts
  • Charter management organizations
  • Local and state educational agencies
  • Bureau of Indian Education
  • Tribal education personnel
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion education partners and organizers


Continue the conversation from Part 1 of Session 1 in this series and develop the skills needed to shape conversations that foster understanding, empathy, and collaboration, while also addressing potentially uncomfortable topics with grace.


november 15(wednesday) 5:00pm - november 15(wednesday) 7:00pm

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