Member of the Year
2022 Annual Convening
Each year we recognize one or more DCSC members who demonstrate their commitment and intentionality to diverse-by-design education. By selecting and honoring a Member of the Year, we hope that all members feel excitement for learning from a fellow DCSC member, and that Coalition members celebrate the value of being part of the DCSC community.
At last year’s convening, under the theme of Interrupting Inequity, two members were selected as our 2021 Members of the Year:
We will select the #DCSC2022 Member of the Year through a more inclusive, democratized process by having DCSC members vote for their preferred nominee. Active Coalition members will select the school that best embodies DCSC’s commitment to integration, inclusion, and anti-racism.
We will select the #DCSC2022 Member of the Year through a more inclusive, democratized process by having DCSC members vote for their preferred nominee. Active Coalition members will select the school that best embodies DCSC’s commitment to integration, inclusion, and anti-racism.