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During the 22-23 school year, 78 participants from 28 DCSC member schools gathered in our Communities of Practice (CoP) to develop resources for the field of diverse-by-design education practitioners.  

Connect as leaders. Grow expertise. Bring justice to education.

Kindred Communities sees genuine dialogue among diverse sets of caregivers, staff, and leaders as a critical form of disrupting educational inequity and racial injustice. We facilitate brave spaces to build the mindsets, skills, and energy needed to disrupt systemic oppression and create antiracist and liberated schools. This toolkit contains more information about Kindred’s approach, along with dialogue session plans designed by the equity leaders who took part in the Dialogue as Disruption COP. These sessions may be adapted to support schools’ efforts to ensure that all members of their communities experience a sense of belonging and can thrive.

Check out this toolkit and use it to plan and facilitate disruptive dialogue with your team.

Special Thank You

Thank you to members who contributed their time, expertise, and ideas to this CoP in 2022-2023:

  • Academy of the City Charter School
  • Citizens of the World – LA
  • DSST Public Schools
  • Gateway Public Schools
  • Growth Public Schools
  • Liberty STEAM Charter School
  • Two Rivers Public Charter School
  • Urban Montessori Charter School
  • Valor Collegiate
  • Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School
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