In Blog, Communities of Practice, CoP Resource, Featured

This past year, more than 70 participants from 21 DCSC member schools gathered in our Communities of Practice (CoP) to develop resources for the field of diverse-by-design education practitioners. We’ll be releasing each CoP’s artifacts throughout this month. Keep an eye out for next week’s edition!

Connect as leaders. Grow expertise. Bring justice to education.

Dwight Thomas from Prospect Schools, described a turbulent period of change to characterize the present moment in terms of social justice movements and abolition of the school-to-prison pipeline. We were delighted to have him lead educators from DCSC member schools through a Community of Practice in 2020–2021 in the resource guide shown below.

For PK–12 practitioners seeking tools to center anti-racism and refocus discussions of “problem behaviors,” look no further! Not only does this guide include step-by-step processes and templates to evaluate and adjust existing school policies, but it also has resources to train and develop teams in alternatives to exclusionary punishment.

Special Thank You

Thank you to members who contributed their time, expertise, and ideas to develop our Got Justice? Resource Guide in 2020–2021.

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