During the 21-22 school year, 80 participants from 32 DCSC member schools gathered in our Communities of Practice (CoP) to develop resources for the field of diverse-by-design education practitioners.
Connect as leaders. Grow expertise. Bring justice to education.
Dr. Aaron J. Griffen, VP of Diversity Equity and Inclusion at DSST Public Schools led DCSC members from 5 member schools. They developed Agitation Spaces and Norms for Disrupting the Master Status Quo Narrative of Neutrality and Objectivity. They began with deep and personal dialogue about uncomfortable truths that uphold the oppressive structures and systems we claim to want to dismantle.
In addition to co-creating this deliverable participants walked away with ideas and thoughts to remove these structures and systems by erecting alternative measures for engagement and building a truly diverse, equity, and inclusive environment that is social justice-centered.
Special Thank You
Thank you to members who contributed their time, expertise, and ideas to this CoP in 2021-2022: