Our Members

Our membership represents over 200 individual schools serving over 80,000 students.

Member Listing

Academy of the CityAcademy of the City Charter SchoolQueens, NY academyofthecity.org
Académie LafayetteKansas City, MOacademielafayette.org
Altura Preparatory SchoolAlbuquerque, NMalturaprep.org
Amani Public Charter School Amani Public Charter SchoolMount Vernon, NYamanicharter.org
Atlanta Neighborhood Charter SchoolAtlanta Neighborhood Charter SchoolAtlanta, GAatlncs.org
Atlas Public SchoolsSt. Louis, MOatlaspublic.org
Audubon Charter SchoolNew Orleans, LAauduboncharter.org
Aventura Community SchoolNashville, TNaventuranashville.org
Baltimore Montessori Public Charter SchoolBaltimore Montessori Charter SchoolBaltimore, MDbaltimorecityschools.org
Beehive Science and Technology AcademySandy, UTbeehiveacademy.org
Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral AcademyBlackstone Valley Prep Mayoral AcademyRhode Islandblackstonevalleyprep.org
Boston Collegiate Charter SchoolBoston Collegiate Charter SchoolDorchester, MAbostoncollegiate.org
Bricolage Academy of New OrleansBricolage Academy of New OrleansNew Orleans, LAbricolagenola.org
Brooklyn Prospect Charter School Brooklyn Prospect Charter SchoolBrooklyn, NYbrooklynprospect.org
Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter SchoolBrooklyn Urban Garden School (BUGS)Brooklyn, NYbugsbrooklyn.org
Buffalo Commons Charter SchoolBuffalo Commons Charter SchoolBuffalo, NYbuffalocommonscharter.org
Capital City Public Charter SchoolCapital City Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.ccpcs.org
Central Park School for Children Central Park School for ChildrenDurham, NCcpscns.org
Central Queens Academy Central Queens Academy Charter SchoolQueens, NY centralqueensacademy.org
Charlotte Lab SchoolCharlotte, NCcharlottelabschool.org
Chime Institute Schwarzenegger Community School Chime Institute Schwarzenegger Community SchoolLos Angeles, CAchimeinstitute.org
Citizens of the World LA Citizens of the World LALos Angeles, CAcwclosangeles.org
Citizens of the World Charter Schools Citizens of the World KCKansas City, MOcwckansascity.org
City Charter SchoolsCity Charter SchoolsLos Angeles, CAcitycharterschools.org
City Garden Montessori School City Garden Montessori SchoolSt. Louis, MO citygarden.org
City Neighbors Charter SchoolCity Neighbors SchoolsBaltimore, MDcityneighbors.org
Community Roots Charter SchoolCommunity Roots Charter SchoolBrooklyn, NYcommunityroots.org
Compass Charter School Compass Charter SchoolBrooklyn, NYbrooklyncompass.org
Crossroads Charter SchoolKansas City, MOcrossroadsschoolskc.org
Crosstown High SchoolMemphis, TNcrosstownhigh.org
DesignTechRedwood City, CAdesigntechhighschool.org
Detroit Prep Detroit PrepDetroit, MIdetroitprep.org
District of Columbia International SchoolWashington, D.C.dcinternationalschool.org
Downtown Denver Expeditionary School Downtown Denver Expeditionary SchoolDenver, COddeschools.org
DreamHouse 'Ewa Beach DreamHouse 'Ewa BeachKapolei, HI dreamhouseewabeach.org
DSST Public SchoolsDSST Public SchoolsDenver, COdsstpublicschools.org
East Bay Innovation AcademyOakland, CAeastbayia.org
EL Haynes Public Charter SchoolE.L. Haynes Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.elhaynes.org
Elmwood Village Charter SchoolElmwood Village Charter SchoolBuffalo, NYevcsbuffalo.org
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Elsie Whitlow Stokes Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.ewstokes.org
Epic AcademyChicago, ILepicacademy.org
Gateway Public SchoolsSan Francisco, CAgatewaypublicschools.org
Genesee Community Charter SchoolGenesee Community Charter SchoolRochester, NYgccschool.org
Global Prep Academy Global Prep AcademyIndianapolis, INglobalprepindy.org
Great Lakes Academy Charter School Great Lakes Academy Charter SchoolChicago, ILglachicago.org
Growth Public SchoolsSacramento, CAgrowthps.org
Hebrew Public Charter SchoolsHebrew Public Charter SchoolsNew York, New Jersey, California, Minnesotahebrewpublic.org
Hellenic Classical Hellenic Classical Charter SchoolBrooklyn, NY hccs-nys.org
High Tech HighHigh Tech HighSan Diego, CAhightechhigh.org
Hoboken Charter School Hoboken Charter SchoolHoboken, NJhobokencs.org
Homer Plessy Community SchoolHomer Plessy Community SchoolNew Orleans, LAplessyschool.org
Hynes Charter SchoolNew Orleans, LAhynesschool.com
iLearn Schools

iLearn Charter SchoolsNew Jerseyilearnschools.org
Impact Charter School

Impact Charter SchoolBaker, LAimpactcharter.org
Impact Public Schools

Impact Public SchoolsSeattle, WAimpactps.org
Inspired Teaching

Inspired Teaching Demonstration Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.inspiredteachingschool.org
Integration Charter Schools Integration Charter SchoolsStaten Island, NYintegrationcharterschools.org
International Charter School of New YorkInternational High School of New OrleansInternational High School of New OrleansNew Orleans, LAihsnola.org
International School of LouisianaInternational School of LouisianaNew Orleans, LAisl-edu.org
Kairos AcademiesSt. Louis, MOkairosacademies.org
Kenner Discovery Health Sciences AcademyKenner, LAdiscoveryhsf.org
Kindle Education Public Charter SchoolJersey City, NJkindleeducation.org
Lafayette Preparatory AcademySt. Louis, MOlafayetteprep.org
Larchmont Charter SchoolLarchmont Charter SchoolLos Angeles, CAlarchmontcharter.org
Larchmont Charter SchoolLearning Community Charter SchoolJersey City, NJlccsnj.org
Lee Montessori Public Charter SchoolLee Montessori Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.leemontessori.org
LEEP Dual Language AcademyBrooklyn, NYleepacademies.org
Liberty STEAM Charter SchoolSumter, SClibertysteamcharter.org
Lycée Français de la Nouvelle-OrléansNew Orleans, LAlfno.org
Memphis Street AcademyPhiladelphia, PAap-schools.org/Memphis-Street-Academy
Momentum Academy Momentum AcademySt. Louis, MOmomentumacademystl.org
Morris Jeff Community SchoolMorris Jeff Community SchoolNew Orleans, LAmorrisjeffschool.org
Multicultural Learning CenterCanoga Park, CAwww.mlccharter.org
The Museum School of Avondale EstatesDecatur, GAthemuseumschool.org
Nashville Classical Charter SchoolNashville, TNnashvilleclassical.org
Nevada Rise AcademyLas Vegas, NVnevadarise.org
Odyssey Charter School Odyssey Charter SchoolAltadena, CAodysseycharterschool.org
Our World Neighborhood Charter SchoolsQueens, NYowncs.org
Phoenix International School of the Arts Phoenix International School of the ArtsCharles County, MDpisota.org
Pride SchoolsSpokane, WAprideschools.org
Purdue Polytechnic High SchoolIndianapolis, INpphs.purdue.edu
Rainier Valley Leadership AcademySeattle, WAwww.myrvla.org
Rooted School Las VegasLas Vegas, NVrootedschoolcc.org
Rooted School VancouverVancouver, WArootedschoolvancouver.org
Social Justice Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.thesocialjusticeschool.org
Success Academy Charter SchoolsSuccess Academy Charter SchoolsNew York, NYsuccessacademies.org
Summit Public SchoolsSummit Public SchoolsCalifornia, Washingtonsummitps.org
Susie King Taylor Community SchoolSavannah, GAsktcs.org
Tapestry Public Charter SchoolAtlanta, GAtapestrycharter.org
Tennessee Nature AcademyNashville, TNtennesseenatureacademy.org
The Gathering PlaceSan Antonio, TXthegatheringplacek12.org
Thrive Community SchoolSanta Fe, NMthriveschoolsf.org
TLC Public Charter SchoolOrange, CAtlccharter.org
Tulsa School of Arts and SciencesTulsa School of Arts and SciencesTulsa, OKtsas.org
Two Rivers Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.tworiverspcs.org
Urban Montessori Charter SchoolOakland, CAurbanmontessori.org
Valley Charter SchoolsValley Charter SchoolsLos Angeles, CAvalleycharterschool.org
Valor Collegiate AcademiesValor Collegiate AcademyNashville, TNvalorcollegiate.org
Vida Charter SchoolGettysburg, PAvidacharterschool.com
Washington Latin Public Charter SchoolWashington Latin Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.latinpcs.org
Washington Yu Ying Public Charter SchoolWashington, D.C.washingtonyuying.org
Watershed Public Charter SchoolWindsor Mill, MDwww.watershedpcs.org
Why Not You AcademyDes Moines, WAwnyacademy.org
Yu Ming Charter School Yu Ming Charter SchoolOakland, CAyumingschool.org

Join Diverse Charters

Our approval and vetting process is designed to find member schools and networks that are committed to recruiting, enrolling, and serving a diverse and integrated student body reflective of their broader community.

We are looking for schools that demonstrate thoughtful work to promote high academic outcomes for students of all backgrounds; hire and train a diverse group of teachers and leaders; create a school culture in which all students and families feel welcomed, respected, and included; and confront institutional racism. We see school integration as ongoing work.

Our member schools don’t have all the answers; rather, we seek members that are reflective about their own strengths and challenges in the areas outlined above and are committed to constant striving to improve their efforts and outcomes with respect to diversity and integration.

The Coalition is being built by and for our members. In addition to the programming and supports provided by the Coalition, all members are expected to lean in and take ownership of the DCSC in what we can offer each other. We ask members to reflect on the supports, from programmatic to financial, that will ensure we build a more sustainable and effective organization.

Interested in Joining? Complete our interest form. DCSC staff will follow up to invite schools to start the membership application cycle. We currently hold two application cycles for prospective members, one in the fall and one in the spring.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to be eligible to apply, schools still in the process of opening must have students enrolled within one year of submitting an application. You can also get updates about the Coalition by signing up for our Newsletter.

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Membership Interest Form

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    Please discuss your school's diversity data, goals and strategies (e.g. student enrollment preferences and family outreach strategies), and how those fit into the local context.
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