As we enter a new school year, at a unique moment in time when established inequities have been underscored and new ones have surfaced, we proudly introduce our theme for the year demanding equity and integration. DCSC members have long demanded equity and integration and we boldly join their call to action.
Today, we highlight new member and UnifiED fellow alum Natalie Morosi of Aventura Community School for her boldness. Aventura is Nashville’s first school approved in five years, where families from across the city come together to learn in an equitable and integrated school community. Here’s what Natalie had to say about boldness and her work with DCSC:
For us at Aventura, we are launching a bold, innovative school that meets the needs of families in Nashville in a unique way. Our school– diverse, bilingual, and montessori-inspired– is the manifestation of our families’ bold aspirations for their children and community.
How did your work as a DCSC UnifiED fellow encourage you to be bold?
My time as a DCSC UnifiED fellow pushed me to think outside the box and believe in the possibility of our vision. Our model is not simple! We have learned best practices and strategies from other schools, leaders, and partners, all of which will help ensure the success of our bold vision.