M, 2023

23may3:00 pm4:00 pmTransforming the Teacher Role

Event Details

Are you curious about how schools are reimagining the role of the teacher in an era of staffing shortages? Join this webinar and learn about the strategies, practices, and policies that have allowed transformation to occur.

​Together we’ll explore resources from Transcend and BEST NCTransforming the Teacher Role and Advanced Teaching Roles. You’ll learn about examples and case studies from the field. Participants will leave with both real stories and strategies to lead to lasting change for teachers.

Featured speakers:
Dr. Khalil Graham, Kairos Academies
Meg Sisk, Washington Elementary School
Leah Sutton, BEST NC
Paul Travers, Washington Elementary School
Andrea Wistuba, Transcend

Moderated by Sarah Akhtar, Transcend


may 23(tuesday) 3:00pm - may 23(tuesday) 4:00pm

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